If you have enough dough to buy yourself a luxurious yacht, but no real friends to sail with you, you're sunk. -- Reader's Digest
Do not take counsel of your fears lad... fortune favors the brave. -- Babe 2
Their father: Danny.. ahm.. Listen, You.. are a .. special kid. Okay? Danny: That's what people say when they can't say anything. -- Jumanji 2

Passion drives perfection. The highest achievers in any field are those who do it because of passion, not duty or profit. -- The Purpose - Driven Life

I've been living in the jungle for 26 years. I've seen things which you only see in nightmares... Afraid? You don't even know what afraid is. -- Jumanji

Without fear, there can be no courage. -- Eragon

Life, as to Kierkegaard, can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forward. -- Business Policy in an Asian Context
For the average civilized person to whom, as to Patrick Henry, even death is acceptable in the absence of liberty. -- The Satire of Federico Mangahas

One must lose one's life in order to save it. -- Federico Mangahas
Labor is sacrificed on the inflation rate's altar of oblation. -- Richard Gwynn
It is not the figures that count; it is what we do with them. -- Math D Professor
Too much humility is pride. -- Math D Professor
Kung minsan, sa mga panahon na magkakasama ang tropa, iniisip nating iisa ang ating nakikita... tinitingnan.. Hindi pala.. Iba-iba pala ang tintingnan.. ang nakikita. --Pitong Dalagita

You're right Joker. The best punchline is the one you don't see coming. -- Batman
I hate you because I could never hate you enough! -- Jackie Madrigal of Maging Sino ka Man

Her only shame was that she felt none. -- The Horse Whisperer by Nicholas Evans

Smells could bring a person back clearer than pictures even could. -- Breathing Lessons by Anne Tyler
Imagine a king fighting his own battle... What a sight! -- Achilles of TROY
Ghosts... they are the completions of the deads intended gestures, there unfinished plans still hanging in the air - something like when you forgot one thing and so you pantomime the motion. -- Breathing Lessons
Skepticism is luxury. -- The Saving Graces by Patricia Gaffney

Misery alternates with euphoria. -- The Saving Graces
Bad news doesn't hurt as much, if you hear it in good company. It's like, if somebody pushes you out of a 5th floor window and you bounce off an awning, a car roof, and a pile of plastic garbage bags before you smash onto the pavement, you've got a pretty good chance of surviving. -- The Saving Graces
Fear kills. Protecting yourself backfires eventually. And living in fear of pain isn't really living at all. -- The Saving Graces
It is not by the sword that the Lord God will deliver his people, but by the staff of a shepherd. -- Moses
Women are the discerning ones when it comes to the dynamics of interpersonal relationship. -- The Saving Graces
In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing. -- Mignon McLaughlin
Take away love, and our earth is a tomb. -- Robert Browning
Alam kong mahal ka rin niya. The mere fact na iniiwasan ka niya, ibig sabihin, takot siya na isugal ang anumang nararamdaman niya para sa'yo. -- Glady Gimena
Youth must triumph... now. Afterwards, it will be life. -- The Anchored Angel, Jose Garcia Villa
Faith doesn't give warranties. -- She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb

Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself. -- She's Come Undone
Past is past... no it's not! People are always fond of saying that, but what's past is never past; not entirely. -- Breathing Lessons
Look beyond what you see... -- Lion King

It is the invisible that sustains the visible. -- Conrado de Quiros
Topics... are what people talk about when they don't know each other well. Topics... are what men talk about. -- The Saving Graces
An informed customer is a satisfied one. -- The Saving Graces
In the fifties... when they had their summer parties - there were always different colored lanterns on the lawn... and I get the funniest chill. In the end the bright colors always go out of life, have you noticed that? In the end, things always look gray, like a dress that's been washed too many times. -- Dolores Claiborne by Stephen King

Don't indulge your ego at the expense of your soul. -- The purpose - Driven Life
Every parent knows that delayed and partial obedience is really disobedience. -- The Purpose - Driven Life
People in my profession are second only to barmen in knowing about the problems of the heart. -- If Only

disclaimer: I don't own the pictures. This is merely to put an image for the quote's resource.