The builders might take years over their tasks, but one day, they finish what they're doing. Then they find they're hemmed in by their own walls. Life loses its meaning when the building stops. -- Brida by Paulo Coelho (book)
Magus: Disappointment, defeat, and despair are the tools God uses to show us the way.
Brida: Strange tools. They often dissuade people from carrying on. -- Brida
She had met people who had lost the glow of being alive because they could no longer fight against loneliness and had ended up becoming addicted to it. -- Brida
Shop owner: What are you good at?
Brida: Going after what I believe in. (The only problem was that she believed in something different everyday.) -- Brida
Oska: Why am I such a kid?
Ra Im: You're not a kid. The real kids always insists that they're older. -- Secret Garden (tv series)
I know it's not good to be weak and helpless. But I don't think it's good to be too strong either. -- Fruits Basket (manga)
No one realizes they're being fooled because they're busy laughing at the fool. -- Cars 2 (film)
As people meet other peeople, all sorts of possibilities are born. Good ones and bad ones. -- Fruits Basket
The other day, I spoke to you about one of the great secrets of Magic: the Soul Mate. The whole of man's life on the face of Earth can be summed up by that search for his Soul Mate. He may pretend to be running after wisdom, money, or power, but none of that matters. Whatever he achieves will be incomplete if he fails to find his Soul mate. With the exception of a few creatures who are descended from the angels - and who need solitude in order to encounter God. -- Brida
There are times when you have to be cruel. Perhaps it may seem unforgivable, but sometimes, being cruel is actually more humane. -- Lie to Me (tv series)
Sean: What would you do if you have less than a minute to live?
Christina: I'd make those seconds count.
Sean: I'd kiss you again. -- Source Code (film)
Fear is the enemy of will. Will is what makes you take action. -- Green Lantern (film)
I wouldn't change what happened to me. Because then, I wouldn't have this chance... To embrace more people than I ever could with two arms. -- Soul Surfer (film)
These walls are funny. First you hate 'em. Then you get used to 'em. Enough time passes, it gets so you depend on 'em. That's institutionalized. -- The Shawshank Redemption (film)
The prettier the girl is, the nuttier she is. So you're insane. Crazy insane. -- Blue Valentine (film)
I feel like, if we never get to spend time together, then, nothing is ever gonna happen. -- Camp Rock 2 (film)
Now you're looking for the secret. But you're not really looking. You don't want to work it out. You want to be... FOOLED. -- The Prestige (film)
But you wouldn't clap yet. Because making something disappear isn't enough. You have to bring it BACK. -- The Prestige
I think... if two people mutually like each other... It's almost a miracle. Someday, will that miracle come true for me too? -- Playful Kiss (tv series)
You don't know how to open the hearts of people. You cause people to close up even more. -- Cinderella's Sister (tv series)
Notice what no one else notices. And you'll know what no one else knows. What you get is what you get. What you DO with what you get, that's where the point. -- City of Ember (film)
If you get angry over things like that, it means you still love him. When you don't get angry, that's when your heart has left him. -- Cactus and Radio (Manga)
disclaimer: I don't own the pictures. This is merely to put an image for the quote's resource.

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